Forever Beautiful Calendar Kings and Queens
On-Line Photo Contest
Forever Beautiful Pageants is excited to announce the online photo contest "Calendar Kings and Queens". This is an on-line photo contest that will take place each month. At the close of the year, a calendar will be produced featuring each Queen in the month they won! The calendars will be available for pre-order starting in November 2018 so that they can be mailed out in time for the start of the new year 2019!
Calendar Queens On-line Photo Contest
Calendar Kings/Queens is open to all female residents of the United States from the ages of 0 months to 26 years of age and Male residents of the United States from the ages of 0-18 years of age. Entries for each month will be accepted from the 1st to the 10th of each month. The winner for each month will be awarded The Calendar King/Queen embroidered satin sash with their title and crown. They will also be recognized on our website, on our Facebook page as well as representing that month in the 2019 Calendar! The winner will be announced by the last day of each month.
Disclaimer: If you are using a photographer's photo then you need to obtain a release for that photo. You must have all rights to all photos that you submitted for use in the contest.
Monthly entry fee pricing:
Enter one (1) Photo for $10.00 or
Up to five (5) photos for $20.00
Disclaimer: If you are using a photographer's photo then you need to obtain a release for that photo. You must have all rights to all photos that you submitted for use in the contest.
Monthly entry fee pricing:
Enter one (1) Photo for $10.00 or
Up to five (5) photos for $20.00
~ How to Enter ~
Click here to be directed to our Store to submit payment. Send photos via email to [email protected]. All photos submitted must include the following information: contestants name, mailing address, age and order number.
You will receive an order number once you make payment through the online store.
You will receive an order number once you make payment through the online store.
~ Purchase Your 2017 Calendar ~
Click here to Purchase the 2017 Calendar Queens Calendar.
This only offered for a limited time. Last day to purchase your calendar is December 5, 2017.
This only offered for a limited time. Last day to purchase your calendar is December 5, 2017.